14 May 2012

Ideas for kids - Characters - WHO - Gnomes - Clevercloggs

Jack Trelawny's Story House - Ideas for kids - WHO is in the story - Underdogs - Gnomes - Clevercloggs
Clevercloggs the Explorer - a wise, old gnome
Clevercloggs lives in Washaway Wood in Kernowland. He is 500 years old. He loves reading and is always finding things out. He has travelled far and wide, all over Erthwurld. All these things mean he has gained lots of knowledge and experience. This makes him very clever and wise. The nasty villains think he is weak because he is small, but he uses his knowledge and experience to fight back
The Nine Gnomes of Washaway Wood in Kernowland - do you know all their names?
Sometimes schools have a writing or reading or artwork competition and one of the prizes is a Clevercloggs cap or T-shirt.
Clevercloggs cap - click to find out more
Click on the pictures to find out more about how to get a Clevercloggs cap or T-shirt.
Clevercloggs T-shirt - click to find out more


See you next time in the Story House.

Happy writing... and reading!
