14 Mar 2006

Livingstone Primary School EN4 9BU

Visit to Livingstone Primary School, Barnet
I visited Livingstone Primary School in Barnet, Hertfordshire, and gave a slideshow presentation and talk followed by a 'Meet the Author' booksigning event.

The following is some information about the school from their website...

We are a small and friendly one-form entry school committed to giving every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential. We work closely with parents to provide a supportive, stimulating and happy environment for every child. The school has vibrant and spacious classrooms set in extensive grounds. Staff and children have access to a wide range of high quality resources which include an up to date computer suite. These are well used to support and enhance the children's education and promote their experiences. We highly value our children's achievements and this is reflected in the wonderful displays that are all around our school. We warmly welcome visitors to our school and visits can usually be made at any time during the school day. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.


See you next time in the Story House.

Happy writing... and reading!
